Via Ableton Live Forum
Perhaps too early to call for some, but it appears that some internal Ableton Live 9 screenshots have leaked out, showing off what appears to
be an upgraded compressor, spectrum for EQ, and a new browser. The small amount of information I can see so far says:
"contains the glue by cytomic. unclear whether this will be free.
updated eq 8 with new filters - less noise & artifacts, 48db hp/lp, q interaction, analyser (detachable), range control.
updated comp. new waveform display - a la fabfilter, expand mode, auto release.
updated gate new waveform display - a la fabfilter, control to stop chatter.
interface looks pretty much the same, but has a new browser design that looked pretty good."
This is pretty exciting for those of us who have been waiting for 64 bit support (which absolutely has to be included, otherwise Ableton is shooting themselves in the foot).
Here's hoping this release comes sooner than later!