Friday, November 9, 2012

Elektron releases WTF ad to show off new Analog Four Synth

Elektron has released a new video to promote their new synthesizer, the Analog Four.  While it's always great to hear about a new piece of analog gear, unfortunately the video shows us nothing about the product, its features, or its sounds-- unless you're assuming the soundtrack of the video is from it.  This video seems more like what Sony does with their Playstation ads-- show off everything but the product, and try to tell a creative story.  Judging by the comments on YouTube, many fans don't seem to be entertained-- they think the money for the ad would have been better spent on tech support for their previous projects.

I commend the effort to take a gamble on a cool ad for musicians, but I hope this doesn't turn into an overhyped analog box.  All the Elektron reviews I've read have been nothing but positive, but the comments on this video really indicate that there are a number of unsatisfied customers-- one even says "Will be released in 2013, will work properly in 2015."  Let's hope that's not the real case, and it's just a vocal group of YouTube outliers.

I'll post more as I find out about it-- let's hope the price is reasonable and its features are as inspired as this ad.

For more info and to join the Elektron mailing list for the Analog Four, click here.

Whoops, looks like there are some sounds on the web.  Pretty awesome from what I can tell-- excuse my quick dismissal earlier...

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